Stay Connected to Lamphere - Get these Apps

Lamphere Schools mobile app: All the info you need to know - news, calendar events, breakfast and lunch menus and more.
Apple Store - Lamphere Schools App
Google Play - Lamphere Schools App

ParentSquare App: Our one stop for all communications from Lamphere Schools. Whether its a message from the District, your school principal or your child's teacher or coach everything is in one place for your convenience
Apple ParentSquare App - Apple Store
Google/Android ParentSquare App - Google Play Store

Q ParentConnect App for real-time access to your student's information like grades, attendance, food service, assignments and many others areas. In addition to access to your student's data the Q ParentConnect mobile app allows you to:
• Update your contact information
• Complete online re-enrollment when enabled by Lamphere Schools
• Make online payments to Food Service and Student Body Accounting accounts
Apple Q ParentConnection App
Google/Android Q ParentConnection App